Children’s Books from Does God Exist?


A set of 16 short paperback books for children telling about God’s creation and the worth of every person. They answer some questions children frequently ask.




A set of 16 short paperback books written for children. Eight of the books show children examples of wisdom seen in the creation as described in Romans 1:19 – 23, four address questions that children frequently have, and four deal with self-image and the worth of a human being explained at a child’s level.

Animals of the Cold by Charlsy Ford and John Clayton and illustrated by John W Davis III and Alyssa Cain. A study of how God designed animals in Alaska to live in a cold climate.

Climbing Higher by Ann Gardner. A book to help children deal with life and understand death.

Created … A Plan by Charlsy Ford. Explains the meaning and value of being created in God’s image.

Dinosaurs — One of God’s More Interesting & Useful Creations by John Clayton and illustrated by Gerry Kravets and Jay Love. A book on dinosaurs that gives children a possible explanation that is logical and consistent with both science and the Bible.

Frogs and Toads: God’s Bug Snatchers by Charlsy Ford. God has made frogs and toads to help us by catching bugs and things that would harm us.

The Friendly Fungus Among Us by Charlsy Ford and John Clayton. This colorful book describes five types of fungi and how they are important.

God Made Little Ants by Jill Trowbridge. The structure and conduct of ant communities show God’s design in nature.

God’s VIP — That’s Me! by Judy Harbottle. A book to help children develop self-esteem.

The Great King’s Plan by Jean Wiebe. A book to help children understand why God created humans.

How Can a Kangaroo? by Charlsy Ford. Tells children about the majesty of God’s creation through design in the wisdom and complexity of marsupial reproduction.

How Do Birds Fly? by John Clayton. Presents the wisdom of flight as a design of God.

How Do I See? by John Clayton and illustrated by Gerry Miller. The design of the human eye is explained as a masterpiece of God’s wisdom.

Outrageous Me! by Eric Johnston. An imaginative look at what we might think we should become, ending with the realization that God has made us, and we are perfect because He cares about us.

Plants — God’s Special Gift to Us by John Clayton. Tells about the uses of plants and their role in preparing planet Earth for humans.

Soaring Eagles by Charlsy Ford and John Clayton.  A study of majestic eagles that are incredibly designed by God to be predators and play a vital ecological role.

Why Is the Sky Blue? Why Are Trees Green? by John Clayton and illustrated by Gerry Miller. Describes the wisdom of design we see in blue skies and green trees.

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